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Die Produktionshalle von Lignotrend in Weilheim-Remetschwiel


for a sustainable timber construction culture

We are a medium-sized supplier of cross laminated timber products for timber construction and interior design companies. Located in the southern Black Forest, near the Swiss border, we currently have around 160 employees and cover the value chain from the sawmill to further processing to actual production. With the Lignotrend expert advice in the field, we accompany all relevant building stakeholders from planning and processing, from architecture and interior design in the realisation of high-quality, sustainable building objects made of solid wood. 

Lignotrend bezieht die Weisstanne für die Bauteile made of LIGNO® aus dem heimischen Schwarzwald
Creativity in timber  

Visible. Audible. Tangible

The Lignotrend vision summarises the qualities that override the company's line of vision. 

More about our vision and mission
Das Lignotrend Sägewerk in Ibach mit Lager für Rundholz
Roundwood purchase

Worthwhile regional value creation for silver fir

Lignotrend uses silver fir, which is native to the Black Forest, to manufacture high-quality building products. It excels in the forest in terms of special climate and storm resistance. 

To the roundwood purchase
Werner Eckert gab als Gründer von Lignotrend mit der Holzblocktafel den Anstoss für die Innovationen von Lignotrend
The idea of the wood block panel


Quality and innovation are not laurels that can be earned once and then rested on. They are much more a continuous process and a distinction that has to be earned over and over again. It is therefore not without pride that we can look back on a series of great successes that underpin our claim to be an innovation leader.

To the history
Im Team von Lignotrend ist jeder Mitarbeiter am richtigen Platz
Everyone at the right place

Our Team

The success of a company is always also the success of a team: people who give their best day after day, fulfil tasks, make decisions, bear responsibility. People who do what they do conscientiously and with pleasure.

More about our employees
Deckenbauteil LIGNO® Rippe mit Akustikprofil in Lärche | Mehrfamilienhaus Stuttgart
Join the LIGNO® team


Both in the interior finishing of existing buildings and in new buildings, you can design the room optics and acoustics in equal measure with solid wood acoustic cladding.

Open job offers
Die weiße Treppe im Bürogebäude der EWS hebt sich dynamisch von der hellen Wandverkleidung aus Weißtanne ab und wendet sich fast skulpturhaft durch das Treppenhaus.
Not only our products are pure!

Lignotrend as an attractive employer

Lignotrend is characterised not only by its technically consistent focus on high-quality timber construction culture, but also by a meaningful corporate culture. One pillar of this is the creation of a healthy working environment, another is communication at eye level across all hierarchical levels with a high degree of transparency. Fairness and the consideration of individual needs are the basis for our teamwork.

About the corporate culture