Renovering af Eichendorff-gymnastiksalen
Sportshallen passer hele vejen rundt
I 1972 - året for de olympiske lege i München - blev sportshallen på Eichendorffskolen i Donaueschingen overdraget til sit formål. De 48 år indtil den første grundlæggende renovering har sat sine spor. Energistandarden i 1970'erne var ikke mindre befordrende for beslutningen om at renovere. I dag, i 2021, lader hallen intet tilbage at ønske - både med hensyn til energi og brugen af vedvarende og CO2-neutrale byggematerialer: Linolie, træmel, kalksten, harpiks og jute blev brugt til sportsgulvet - med andre ord linoleum. Vægge og lofter er beklædt med lameller af lokal hvidgran og gran. Træfiberprodukter er ansvarlige for lyd- og varmeisolering. Brugen af ubehandlede og naturlige materialer gør det muligt at reducere bygningsinstallationer til et minimum og giver rummet en behagelig atmosfære. Piktogrammer designet af Otl Aicher til OL i München - 1972 - er ansvarlige for skiltningen.
Oversigt over konfiguration
Anvendte komponenter
LIGNO® Acoustic light | Ceiling beklædning
Produktkode: LIGNO® Acoustic light 3S_33_a70g_625-20-4-F_WTS_gb_b0Wood type
Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.Wood type
_WTS Silver fir knotless, plain
The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.
Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.Profile
_625-20-4-F Slat profile
The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches. Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.Structure
_gb Brushed
Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.Treatment
_b0 Untreated
Room acoustics
If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.Room acoustics
_a70g 70 % Absorber
LIGNO® Acoustic Sport | Stødende væg
Produktkode: LIGNO® Acoustic Sport 3G_33_a70g_625-20-4-F_FIS_gb_b0Wood type
Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.Wood type
_FIS Spruce knotless, plain
The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.
Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.Profile
_625-20-4-F Slat profile
The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches. Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.Structure
_gb Brushed
Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.Treatment
_b0 Untreated
Room acoustics
If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.Room acoustics
_a70g 70 % Absorber
LIGNO® Acoustic Sport | Stødende væg
Produktkode: LIGNO® Acoustic Sport 3G_33_a70g_625-20-4-F_WTS_gb_b0Wood type
Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.Wood type
_WTS Silver fir knotless, plain
The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.
Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.Profile
_625-20-4-F Slat profile
The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches. Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.Structure
_gb Brushed
Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.Treatment
_b0 Untreated
Room acoustics
If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.Room acoustics
_a70g 70 % Absorber
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Werner Ettwein GmbH
Eckweg 1
78048 Villingen-Schwenningen

gäbele & raufer architekten BDA

Bernhard Strauss Fotografie
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