Everything that modern timber construction has to be able to do
Our products are characterised by intelligent multifunctionality. Depending on the requirements for the structure, LIGNO® cross-laminated timber elements or the components created from them can easily solve tasks in many construction disciplines. In keeping with the motto "As little as possible, as much as necessary", they are configured individually and cost-effectively for the respective construction task and cater precisely to the planners' structural specifications and design ideas.

Safe designing with timber
Building physics
Unlike in timber frame construction, exterior components from Lignotrend have a multi-layer structure: the load-bearing timber construction is entirely on the warm side; it is followed by a sealing membrane to prevent draughts, the thermal insulation in any desired thickness and finally the façade. Because the diffusion-capable membrane is arranged in a protected location between the solid timber and the insulating material, covers the whole surface even at node points and penetrations are eliminated, it offers ideal conditions for a simple but safe execution. The risk of subsequent trades compromising the air-tightness is minimal. Top air-tightness values are thus regularly achieved. The Lignotrend construction principle is suitable for all energy standards.
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Show timber in multi-storey buildings and assembly rooms, too
Fire protection: Better to be safe than sorry
Multi-storey buildings of building class 4 or 5 require a high fire resistance, while assembly rooms require fire-retardant surfaces. The layered structure of LIGNO® cross-laminated timber makes it possible to react flexibly to these requirements by equipping the element body as necessary with additional fire protection layers or pre-treated visible layers.
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Use cavities in the element
Ease of installation
With LIGNO® wall, ceiling and roof elements, optimising with cavities facilitates a rapid and simple installation process within the cross-section. Compared to entirely solid timber components, the installation layout with LIGNO® CLT is also much more flexible and subsequently modifiable – for example when changing the use of rooms.
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Ready to install thanks to precise cutting to size
The configurable, load-bearing LIGNO® components for ceiling and roof are precisely prefabricated in the Lignotrend factory in the context of a digital process chain. Due to the installation-ready and therefore very assembly-friendly preparation/pre-assembly, the construction time on site is shortened and the construction costs are also reduced. LIGNO® standard walls as well as the acoustic panels for cladding are also characterized by particularly high precision. They can easily be further processed in carpenter's workshops or on the construction site and installed with a precise fit.
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Ecological construction with LIGNO® cross-laminated timber elements
Timber innovation meets sustainability
Climate protection, energy saving, the preservation of fossil resources and, last but not least, a lastingly high standard of living: construction with timber takes into account many facets of sustainability. Building structures made of LIGNO® are cost-effective in construction and preserve the environment over their entire lifecycle.
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Living interior architecture: real wood in its entire variety
Surface design
The Lignotrend production department specialises in producing acoustic panels and load-bearing cross-laminated timber elements with high-quality visible surfaces in real wood. From aesthetic knotless to naturally knotty: For the one-ply-panels of the visible surfaces, Lignotrend processes various types and grades of as-grown timber.
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Comfort and quality factors
Room acoustics
Many people are not aware that in most interiors action with regard to the room acoustics is needed. Indeed, room acoustics is important in the planning – and not only in halls or classrooms, but everywhere, even in the private dwelling environment. Quiet and good speech intelligibility increase the practical value of the room – quite apart from the positive health effect of noise reduction. In buildings made of LIGNO®, acoustic quality can be taken into account from the start.
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Perfect building biology room climate
Healthy building
Since 2006 Lignotrend products have complied with the very strict limit values for the natureplus® quality mark. This makes them officially the most environment-friendly and health-risk-free building materials in Europe. In buildings made of LIGNO® the special element structure favours a physiologically beneficial room climate, which prevents respiratory complaints and allergies.
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Optimal impact and airborne sound insulation in timber construction
Noise protection
The acoustic design of a building with the goal of satisfied users is the best investment in value stability. Lignotrend aims to satisfy the highest comfort demands with its components for ceiling, roof and wall. Solutions are optimised in such a way that high design aesthetics are possible with visible real wood surfaces.
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Safe timber constructions with LIGNO® cross-laminated timber elements
Lignotrend optimises structural load-bearing cross-laminated timber as web and box elements. This uses the valuable timber material efficiently and in a resource-saving manner, depending on the demands, when used as ceiling, roof support structure or in wall components efficiently. Height or thickness of the elements are adjusted to the static conditions in the context of the design.
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