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Deckenelemente von Lignotrend mit Akustikverkleidung für gute Raumakustik im Rohbau

Room acoustics

Comfort and quality factors

Many people are not aware that in most interiors action with regard to the room acoustics is needed. Indeed, room acoustics is important in the planning – and not only in halls or classrooms, but everywhere, even in the private dwelling environment. Quiet and good speech intelligibility increase the practical value of the room – quite apart from the positive health effect of noise reduction. In buildings made of LIGNO®, acoustic quality can be taken into account from the start. 

Tragendes Brettsperrholz-Element für Decken mit schon im Rohbau fertiger Untersicht | Perfekte Raumakustik und effektiver Schallschutz
In planning new buildings consider interior design and room acoustics together

Load-bearing components

Lignotrend integrates the room acoustics function where possible directly in the load-bearing construction parts for ceiling and roof. This way, unlike conventional construction, planners solve statics, design and room acoustics in one component - right from the start. Since this includes the final real wood acoustic surface and subsequent overhead interior fittings work is not required, there is a direct cost benefit compared to conventional suspended systems.

Echtholz-Akustikpaneele mit integriertem Schallabsorber im Cinéma Arcadia in Riom
Additive solution in real wood

Acoustic panels

It’s not always load-bearing constructions: to deal with room acoustics by means of cladding, Lignotrend can supply large-size real wood panels with the same appearance. The light sound-absorbent LIGNO® Acoustic light panels improve the sound-reflective surfaces of masonry and concrete, and non-absorbent wood surfaces – biologically faultless, also in renovation. If a very flexible cable routing is required, the cladding can be applied using the usual suspension systems.

Good room acoustics in harmony with the design

Timber, profile and absorber variants

Die Decke in der Turnhalle der Kinderkrippe Wiggensbach wird mit neuer Akustikverkleidung aus Holz ausgestattet.

Regular slat profiles

With LIGNO® Acoustic light acoustic profiles, with regular slats, a restful surface appearance can be obtained. Various slat-joint combinations are available.

LIGNO® Akustik light Wandverkleidung für das Bürogebäude von Codecentric in Solingen

Non-regular nature-slat profiles

The different slat widths of the LIGNO® Acoustic nature profile let surfaces seem to have grown organically and so look very natural. It is available in different variants (joint width 4 or 6 mm).

Lignotrend Akustikpaneele aus Holz mit dem prämierten 3D-Leistenprofil im Bürogebäude von Kommunikation und Design in Waldshut

3D slat profile

The three-dimensional profile LIGNO® Acoustic nature:3D provides a further, dynamic design option. The variant with graduated height slats of fir or oak has the Focus Open design award. As an appearance with design protection, it is available only from Lignotrend.

Dachscheibe mit Akustikprofil für die Produktionshalle von Lamello in Bubendorf

Board strip profiles

Strip profiles are the classics among the Lignotrend acoustic profiles. The various designs are used only for the load-bearing glued laminated timber element.

Sichtoberfläche der Lignotrend-Elemente in verschiedenen Holzarten

Types of timber

Lignotrend visible surfaces in many high-quality types of timber further extend the use and the range of aesthetic interior architecture – from light elegant silver fir to rugged oak, in some cases with the option of a surface treatment.


> More about surface design 

Die Akustikplatten erzielen mit den integrierten Schallabsorbern hohe Absorptionswerte. Außerdem gibt es für tieffrequente oder gering absorbierende Varianten akustisch optimierte Montagekonfigurationen


Lignotrend uses natural wood fibres as sound absorber, to ensure efficient performance. Various tested structures reach absorption coefficients aW of up to 0.90 – distributed over a wide band of the relevant frequency spectrum.


> Lab test certificates

LIGNO® Akustik light für die Neuapostalische Kirche in Michelfeld

Profile with low absorbency

If partial areas of a component are to be made with low absorbency, panels without activated absorbers can be used. The appearance is that of the absorbent profiles.


The difference sounds like this: Calculate acoustics and make audible

Lignotrend room acoustics calculator

With the Lignotrend room acoustics calculator, reverberation and noise-level reduction can be calculated and adjusted for the requirements of DIN 18041 – acoustic quality in rooms. Planners and building owners can use the online tool for indicative calculations for the necessary absorbent surfaces of Lignotrend products. This distinguishes between the room groups from DIN.

NEW: A “before-after feature” makes the difference between the room acoustic situation with and without measures audible as a (qualitative) auralisation.

To the acoustics calculator

Note: The calculation software determines the absorber area required for the described cubature but gives no indication yet of its layout in the room. Therefore, the results do not replace the assessment of the building project by an acoustics specialist.