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Die hohen Decken dieses Hotelzimmers öffnen sich bis hoch zum Dachfirst und sind an der Sichtseite im Inneren mit fein profilierten Akustikpaneelen in edler Weißtanne ausgestattet.

Surface design

Living interior architecture: real wood in its entire variety

The Lignotrend production department specialises in producing acoustic panels and load-bearing cross-laminated timber elements with high-quality visible surfaces in real wood. From aesthetic knotless to naturally knotty: For the one-ply-panels of the visible surfaces, Lignotrend processes various types and grades of as-grown timber.

Dachbauteile mit Akustikverkleidung im Hallenbad | Bio-Seehotel Zeulenroda
Light-coloured, restrained, timelessly elegant

Knotless silver fir for cross-laminated timber  

The most popular wood surface is the light-coloured silver fir. Using a special cutting and processing method, the raw material for the visible surfaces is produced from the trunks of the fir, which is native to the Black Forest.

Processing into a knotless quality is one of Lignotrend's specialities: Knots are cut out in production and the offcuts assembled into high-quality slats. This produces a particularly high-class surface that makes modern, light, elegant timber construction architecture possible, free from rusticity.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _WTL | Weisstanne lebhaft

_WTL (patterned)

The patterned grade is most widespread; the grain and hue of the knotless wood offcuts vary considerably here. 

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _WTE | Weisstanne economy

_WTE (economy)

With this cheaper quality, irregularities in the virtually knotless image are allowed; many observers do not regard these irregularities in any way as disruptive (e.g. including solitary longitudinal cracks and isolated small knots).

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _WTS | Weisstanne schlicht

_WTS (plain)

The plain grade with finer grain is something quite special, because only a small quantity of wooden slats with a considerably more constant hue can be obtained from the trunks.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _WTD | Weisstanne durchgehende Lamellen

_WTD (continuous slats)

This patterned variant is interesting in particular for the wall area, as unlike other grades it has no joints over an element length of 3 m.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _FIS | astreine Fichte


Knotless spruce is also available and represents a very calm and plain alternative to the "silver fir plain" grade.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _FI-ä | ästige Fichte


The classic among wooden surfaces is knotty-processed spruce. The even knot pattern provides for a visually homogeneous component surface.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _LAE | astreine Eiche


In the case of hardwoods, the robust oak – knotless-processed – is trendy in terms of design.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _ESL | Esche lebhaft


More special hardwoods are also available to order: maple, cherry, walnut or the patterned ash with brown core shown here are examples of these.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _LAE | Lärche


Other softwoods, such as the larch shown here, or the douglas fir or pine are also suitable for expressing individual design ideas.

Lignotrend-Akustikverkleidung _ZI | Zirbe


Dem Holz der Zirbelkiefer oder Arve aus den Alpen wird eine positive physiologische Wirkung zugeschrieben, die u.a. für einen gesunden Schlaf sorgen soll.

Schallabsorbierende Deckenverkleidung LIGNO® Akustikpaneele aus Holz. Sanierung eines Mehrfamilienhauses in Stuttgart. Perfekte Raumakustik für große Wohnräume.
Many types of wood for individual visible surfaces

From maple to arolla pine

For the surfaces on the room side of the load-bearing solid timber components and for real wood acoustic panels, there is a large choice of other softwoods and hardwoods – many in knotless quality. With over 20 different variants, you can make a characteristic design statement in each case that is entirely your own.

Textures of LIGNO® genuine timber
LIGNO® BPS-Dachbauteile mit Akustikprofil und Wandbauteile | integrierte LED-Lichtleisten | EWS Schönau
Design-oriented look

Acoustic profiles and closed surfaces for load-bearing elements 

Closed surfaces: For the surfaces, closed wood surfaces are possible on the one hand. Directly behind the surface there is a transverse layer that guarantees high resistance to cracking.

Slat profiles: The soffit of almost all load-bearing Lignotrend elements can be supplied ex works with a finished profiled soffit in various slender divisions. This makes further interior finishing unnecessary. Absorber material behind the approx. 1 to 4 cm-wide slats ensures effectiveness in terms of room acoustics.

Strip profile: If the design requires wider wooden strips, "Acoustic classic" profiles with a strip width of approx. 5 to 10 cm are used.

Configure surface finish of the supporting structure
Die weiße Treppe ins Obergeschoss des Lycée Vauban wird kontrastiert durch die lebhafte Struktur der umgebenden Deckenverkleidung in Weißtanne von Lignotrend.

Surfaces for acoustic panels:  

Acoustic panels are offered with slat profiles. The real wood surfaces are always profiled here – classic with slats of an even width, as nature-Profile with slats of different widths, or also as nature:3D-Profile in which both the slat width and strip height vary. Slat profiles and closed surfaces are not available for the panels.

Available wood types and profiles and possible combinations of both are specified by the element configurators for load-bearing cross-laminated timber elements and for acoustic panels. Excellent quality 

Both LIGNO® Acoustic nature and LIGNO® Acoustic nature:3D have won awards for design innovation. The profile nature won the Interior Innovation Award of the German Design Council as far back as 2014. 

Technical date LIGNO® timber surfaces
Die weiss lackierte Akustikdeckenverkleidung aus Holz im Bürogebäude der World Trade Organization in Genf trägt zu einem edlen Innendesign bei.

Surface treatments: UV protection, colour varnish or flame retardancy

Various treatments are available for LIGNO® real wood surfaces: glazes on both the panel and the load-bearing component prevent the natural darkening of the wood surfaces. 

With the acoustic panels, the wood grain can be beautifully highlighted with varnish or oil. Translucent or covering varnishes or oils set colourful accents. For panels with fir or spruce surfaces, there is a special impregnation to achieve flame retardancy of the wood surface in the interior. It does not falsify the natural wood colour and thus provides for "invisible" flame retardancy.

Technical date LIGNO® timber surfaces
Muster der Akustikverkleidung LIGNO® Akustik light

Ordering samples 

We will be glad to provide you with surface sample elements for further planning. Choose from different types of wood as well as profiles and treatments of the real wood surfaces. This way, you can see the Lignotrend quality for yourself 1:1.

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