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Montage grossflächiges Brettsperrholz-Rippenelement mit fertiger Untersicht in Weisstanne economy


made of LIGNO® means added value

Schematische Darstellung und Aufbau eines Deckenbauteils made of LIGNO® aus Holz

The load-bearing, dimensionally stable timber ceilings are flexibly configurable for every planning task in timber construction and solve several tasks at once in just one component. They combine top characteristic construction values with high aesthetic design variety.

Aktuelle Position
Tragendes Brettsperrholz-Element für Decken mit schon im Rohbau fertiger Untersicht | Perfekte Raumakustik und effektiver Schallschutz
Multifunctional and cost-effective

Design freedom with load-bearing timber ceilings

Individual configurability of the components made of LIGNO®  means that you can react precisely to the planner's construction specifications and design ideas. Building owners can be sure that they don't necessarily have to buy every possible "talent" of a component when it's not necessitated by the construction task. This way, multifunctionality in modern solid timber construction becomes meaningful, efficient in terms of material and cost-effective. 

Advantage through flexibility

Ceiling elements configuration options

Gewichtsschüttung mit Kalkssplitt in LIGNO® BSP-Deckenelement für guten Schallschutz im Holzbau
Building acoustics
Increased sound insulation

  • Increased sound insulation thanks to LIGNO® ceilings
  • Cavities in the elements are filled with a gravity filling on site after the installation of pipes and cables. Among other things, it acts as an effective impact sound insulation, especially against low-frequency walking noises, even for apartment partition ceilings.


    » More about soundproofing

    LIGNO® Uni und LIGNO® Rippe mit Sichtoberfläche für ein Klimaholzhaus in Kronach
    Design variety
    Silver fir – oak – etc.

  • Knotless visible surfaces
  • Aesthetic, finished surfaces in real wood are the clear design advantage of ceilings made of LIGNO®. There is a wide choice of types of wood: The most popular is the light-coloured, knotless silver fir, with which particularly design-oriented interior architecture is possible.


    » More about surface design

    Feuerwiderstand der LIGNO® Rippe durch Brandabschottung mit Brandschutzstein von Hilti
    Fire protection
    30 - REI60 - REI90

  • Fire resistance up to REI 90
  • The filling makes LIGNO® ceiling elements safe, because they are void-free components. Tested bulkhead solutions enable the feeding through of pipes and cables. Visible timber construction is also possible with multi-storey buildings.


    » More about fire protection

    Einbau eines streifenförmigen Lignotrend-Rippenelements mit Akustikprofil
    Span widths up to 18 m

  • Timber ceilings 
    for large span widths too
  • Lignotrend ceiling elements can span up to 10 metres depending on the load – and bring the finished soffit with them ex works. They can be designed effectively to prevent vibrations.


    » More about statics

    Deckenelement LIGNO® Rippe mit Leistenprofil und Akustikabsorbern für gute Raumakustik
    Room acoustics
    Various profiles and low-frequency absorbers

  • Optimise ambient sound inexpensively
  • Lignotrend storey ceilings can be fitted ex works with an acoustic profiling and integrated sound absorber for the reduction of noise levels. Conventional suspended acoustic systems can be dispensed with and the building is finished faster.


    » More about room acoustics

    Leitungen und Haustechnik integriert zwischen die einzelnen Stegen der LIGNO® Deckenelemente
    Ease of installation
    Longitudinal and transverse installation

  • Integration of pipes, cables and building services in storey ceilings
  • Cables and pipes can be laid between the individual bars of the ceiling elements of the type LIGNO® Rippe – longitudinally and also transversely. Openings for installations can be prepared ex works.


    » More about ease of installation

    einfache Baustellenmontage | Zuschnittarbeiten an den Deckenelementen bereits im Ligotrend-Werk
    Precise cutting to size
    Cross-laminated timber principle

  • Visual and technical detail quality
  • Cutting work on the ceiling elements is done in high-precision CNC binding ex works, e.g. trimming, jagging, for the integration of joists or outlets for the electrics: so that everything fits when assembling on the building site.


    » More about ease of installation

    Component structure

    Ceiling constructions 

    Product properties of timber ceilings


    Lignotrend optimises structural load-bearing cross-laminated timber as web and box elements. This uses the valuable timber material efficiently and in a resource-saving manner, depending on the demands, when used as ceiling, roof support structure or in wall components efficiently. Height or thickness of the elements are adjusted to the static conditions in the context of the design.

    More information

    Span widths up to 18 m

    Ease of installation

    With LIGNO® wall, ceiling and roof elements, optimising with cavities facilitates a rapid and simple installation process within the cross-section.Compared to entirely solid timber components, the installation layout with LIGNO® BSP is also much more flexible and subsequently modifiable – for example when changing the use of rooms.

    More information
    Ease of installation 

    Longitudinal and transverse installation

    Fire protection

    Multi-storey buildings of building class 4 or 5 require a high fire resistance, while assembly rooms require fire-retardant surfaces. The layered structure of LIGNO cross-laminated timber makes it possible to react flexibly to these requirements by equipping the element body as necessary with additional fire protection layers or pre-treated visible layers.

    More information
    Fire protection

    REI30 - REI60 - REI90

    Design variety

    The Lignotrend production department specialises in producing acoustic panels and load-bearing cross-laminated timber elements with high-quality visible surfaces in real wood. From aesthetic knotless to naturally knotty: For the one-ply-panels of the visible surfaces, Lignotrend processes various types and grades of as-grown timber.

    More information
    Design variety 

    Silver fir – oak – etc.


    The acoustic design of a building with the goal of satisfied users is the best investment in value stability. Lignotrend aims to satisfy the highest comfort demands with its components for ceiling, roof and wall. Solutions are optimised in such a way that high design aesthetics are possible with visible real wood surfaces.

    More information

    Increased sound insulation


    Building component surfaces must be dimensionally stable in order to effectively exclude movements of the building structure and thus deformations and leaks. For this reason, Lignotrend elements are constructed from wooden layers arranged crosswise and laid at intervals - to form rigid, precise cross laminated timber.

    Precise cutting to size 

    Cross-laminated timber principle

    Room acoustics

    Many people are not aware that in most interiors action with regard to the room acoustics is needed. Indeed, room acoustics is important in the planning – and not only in halls or classrooms, but everywhere, even in the private dwelling environment. Quiet and good speech intelligibility increase the practical value of the room – quite apart from the positive health effect of noise reduction. In buildings made of LIGNO®, acoustic quality can be taken into account from the start.

    More information
    Room acoustics 

    Various profiles and low-frequency absorbers

    Individual solutions

    Lignotrend ceilings are versatile in use

    LIGNO® BPS-Dachbauteile mit Akustikprofil und Wandbauteile | integrierte LED-Lichtleisten | EWS Schönau
    Schallabsorbierende Deckenverkleidung LIGNO® Akustikpaneele aus Holz. Sanierung eines Mehrfamilienhauses in Stuttgart. Perfekte Raumakustik für große Wohnräume.
    Die verwendeten CLT-Bauteile made of LIGNO® aus Holz mit weißer Gipsverkleidung, sorgen in diesem Passivhaus für wohngesundes, nachhaltiges Wohnen.
    Die Brettsperrholz-Lösung mit Sichtseite aus hellem Akustikprofil schafft nicht nur eine einladende, warme Atmosphäre, sondern sorgt im Garderobenbereich auch dafür, dass störende Geräusche nicht die Überhand nehmen.
    Im Essbereich des Haupthauses sorgen LIGNO® Deckenbauteile mit Akustikprofil aus Weisstanne für eine angenehme Lautstärke, auch bei voll besetztem Esstisch und angeregten Gesprächen.
    Die Dachbauteile aus Brettsperrholz sind an der Sichtseite mit einer fein lamellierten Oberfläche aus Weißtanne verkleidet, was auch bei geschäftiger Mensa eine gute Raumakustik garantiert.
    Im Inneren des Klimaholzhauses sind die Sichtholzoberflächen der Brettsperrholzelemente aus astreiner Weißtanne ein echter Hingucker und maßgeblich für das Innendesign.
    Modernes Mehrfamilienhaus made of LIGNO® in Nürtingen
    LIGNO® Uni und LIGNO® Rippe zeigen im Wohnbereich eine Sichtoberfläche aus Schwarzwälder Weißtanne.
    Die einfach gestalteten Klassenzimmer kreieren durch den großzügigen Einsatz von Holz an Decke, Fensterrahmen und Möbeln eine ruhige Atmosphäre in der es sich gut lernen lässt.
    Die LIGNO® Deckenbauteile aus Weißtanne kreieren im Wohnbereich eine angenehme Raumatmosphäre.
    Useful items

    Accessories and supplementary products

  • Universal-Hebezange zur Montage von Decken- und Dachelementstreifen

    Universal lifting clamp 

    LIGNO® lifting clamp for mounting ceiling or roof element strips without damaging the visible surface.

    Product affiliation ceiling component, roof component
    Filter category installation

    LIGNO® universal lifting clamp



    • Adaptable to the various necessary gripping widths
    • Two clamps required per element
    • For loan or purchase
  • Kalksplitt zur Trittschalldämmung als Sackware oder im Big Bag

    Natural limestone gravel in container, air-dry 

    Filling of ceiling elements with limestone gravel for impact sound insulation, especially in the low-frequency range. Available as bagged goods or loose in a big bag.

    Product affiliation ceiling component
    Filter category insulation

    Limestone gravel fillings for optimised sound insulation


    Limestone gravel as bagged goods

    • air-dry, max. residual humidity 5.0 % 
    • grain size approx. 2.8 - 4 mm 
    • approx. 25 kg/sack [pallet of 42 sacks = 1.05 t] 

    Limestone gravel loose in big bag

    • air-dry, max. residual humidity 5.0 % 
    • grain size approx. 8 mm 
    • approx. 955 kg/big bag 
  • Brandabschottung für verschiedene Leitungs- und Elektroinstallationen

    HILTI fire protection brick CFS-BL P 

    Fire bulkhead for various pipes and electrical installations

    Product affiliation ceiling component, roof component
    Filter category fire protection

    HILTI fire protection bricks are used for the sealing of cables and pipes in piping and electrical installations. They are ideally suited for highly fibre-sensitive and dust-sensitive rooms and locations with frequently changing electrical installations such as data centres, computer rooms, hospitals, laboratories.


    • Plastic label can remain on the brick (easier installation) 
    • Particularly suitable for subsequent laying of cables 
    • Can be combined with fire protection foam CP 660 (combination bulkhead) 
    • Cost-effective due to short installation time 
    • Feed-through of electrical conduits with and without cables 
    • Simple processing, no special tools required 
    • Absolutely dust and fibre-free 


    • L 200 x W 130 x H 50 mm 
  • Find out more


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