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Prallwandverkleidung aus Holz wird auf Unterkonstruktion montiert

Timber protective walls  
made of LIGNO®

Wall claddings for the avoidance of injury in sports halls

Schematische Darstellung und Aufbau einer Prallwaand made of LIGNO® aus Holz

LIGNO® Acoustic Sport is the variant of the Lignotrend acoustic panels for use on area-elastic protective walls in sports hall. The elastic substructure, which is part of the system, ensures the necessary dissipation of force; optimised cladding details further minimise the risk of injury for sportspeopleNaturalness in real wood and design quality, acoustic effectiveness and the necessary sturdiness are combined in one element.

Aktuelle Position
Safe and aesthetic design of protective walls 

Configuration options - LIGNO® Acoustic Sport

Robuste Lignotrend-Prallwand aus Fichtenholz im Einsatz in der Sporthalle in Marktoberdorf.
Surface design
Silver fir – oak – etc.

  • Sturdy and well-designed
  • Spruce, beech and oak are suitable wood types for the panel surfaces in the sports sector – all in knotless quality. LIGNO® Acoustic Sport is available in two certified profile variants.

    LIGNO® Akustik Sport | robuste Wandverkleidung für die Sporthalle in Illertissen
    Impact protection
    Sturdy and dimensionally stable

  • Tested for force dissipation and ball impact resistance
  • The special geometry and selected wood types of the LIGNO® Acoustic Sport impact-resistant elements increase stability. Chamfered slat edges minimise the risk of injury. This also makes them suitable for use as sturdy wall claddings in children's day care centres.

    Brettsperrholz-Elemente LIGNO® Akustik Sport und LIGNO® Block Q3 | Sporthalle
    Room acoustics
    Various profiles and low-frequency absorbers

  • Sport and games without disturbing noise 
  • Movement, dynamics and interaction in sport should not degenerate into disturbing noise. Protective walls with LIGNO® Acoustic Sport panels improve the room acoustics. The real wood elements are also suitable for use as ball impact resistant ceiling claddings or sturdy wall claddings – e.g. in children's day care centres.

    LIGNO® Akustik Sport mit dem Leistenprofil in vertikaler Ausrichtung in der Sporthalle Hardwald.
    Design details
    Detail catalogue as a planning aid

  • Open collection of details for protective walls
  • The necessary laboratory-tested design details are freely available: Planning details for gates, rope boxes, control room glazing and much more can be found in the Lignotrend detail catalogue.

    Bei der raumakustischen Planung werden Raumgröße, Nutzung sowie akustische Anforderungen berücksichtigt | Online-Raumakustikrechner
    Planning assistance software
    Software for support

  • Online room acoustics calculator helps with planning
  • In the room acoustics planning, particular attention is paid to the room size, intended use and acoustic requirements. Even before implementation, the effect of room acoustics measures in movement rooms and sports facilities can be estimated online with the Lignotrend room acoustics calculation tool. Room size, use and acoustic requirements are taken into account.

    LIGNO® Akustik Sport wird auf einer schwerentflammbaren Unterkonstruktion aus Metall montiert
    Fire protection
    Normal to flame-retardant

  • Flame retardancy in sports halls
  • For meeting places, the elements can be equipped with a flame retardant real wood surface. In case of additional requirements for the substructure, a non-combustible version in metal is also available for this.

    Die Paneele LIGNO® Akustik light werden aus heimischem Holz hergestellt. Der integrierte Akustikabsorber ist aus natürlicher Holzweichfaser und die Kleber sind emissionsarm.
    Building biology
    Certified products

  • Healthy environment with real wood
  • With LIGNO® Acoustic Sport, naturally grown timber can also be used as an ecological and low-emission material in sports hall interior finishings. The production is PEFC-certified and the products meet the strict natureplus requirements for building biology and sustainability.

    Component structure

    Impact walls

    Product properties - LIGNO® Acoustic Sport panels

    Room acoustics

    Many people are not aware that in most interiors action with regard to the room acoustics is needed. Indeed, room acoustics is important in the planning – and not only in halls or classrooms, but everywhere, even in the private dwelling environment. Quiet and good speech intelligibility increase the practical value of the room – quite apart from the positive health effect of noise reduction.

    Find out more
    Room acoustics

    Various profiles and low-frequency absorbers 

    Room acoustics calculator 

    With the Lignotrend room acoustics calculator, reverberation or noise level reductions can be calculated and compared with the regulations of DIN 18041 - Audibility in rooms. Planners and building owners can use the online tool to make orienting calculations for the required absorber surfaces from Lignotrend products. A distinction is made according to the room groups from DIN.

    To room acoustics calculator
    Planning assistance software

    Software for support 

    Design details

    Necessary laboratory-tested construction details are freely available: Planning details for gates, cable boxes, control room glazing and much more can be found in the Lignotrend detail catalogue.

    To media centre
    Design details

    Detail catalogue as a planning aid 

    Impact protection

    Special geometry and selected wood species of the impact-resistant LIGNO Akustik Sport elements increase stability. Chamfered strip edges minimise the risk of injury. This also makes them suitable for robust wall cladding in children's daycare centres.

    Impact protection

    Sturdy and dimensionally stable 

    Surface design

    The Lignotrend production department specialises in producing acoustic panels and load-bearing cross-laminated timber elements with high-quality visible surfaces in real wood. From aesthetic knotless to naturally knotty: For the one-ply-panels of the visible surfaces, Lignotrend processes various types and grades of as-grown timber.

    Find out more
    Surface design

    Silver fir – oak – etc. 

    Fire protection

    When building rooms for a large number of people according to the Venue Regulations, suspended ceilings and claddings often have to be executed with flame-retardant surfaces. 

    Therefore, variants were developed for the surfaces of the LIGNO Acoustic light and LIGNO Acoustic Sport acoustic panels that have been tested for flame retardancy. 

    Find out more
    Fire protection

    Normal to flame-retardant 

    Building biology

    Since 2006, Lignotrend products have fulfilled the particularly strict criteria for the natureplus® quality mark and thus officially belong to the most environmentally friendly and harmless building materials in Europe. 

    Find out more
    Building biology

    Certified products 

    Advantages in sports hall construction:

    Impact protection with LIGNO® Acoustic Sport 

    Prallwandverkleidung aus Holz für die Sporthalle der Kantonsschule Hardwald
    Raumakustik verbessernde Möbel aus LIGNO® Akustikelementen in Eiche wirken als echte Designelemente in dieser Hochschule in Aarau.
    Die ballwurfsicheren Prallwandelemente aus Holz sind nicht nur akustisch funktional und robust, sondern sorgen auch für eine angenehme Hallenlautstärke.
    LIGNO® Akustik Q3 klassik sorgen in dieser weit angelegten Sporthalle für eine Reduzierung des Schallpegels und ein angenehmes Raumklima.
    Die fein profilierte Prallwand in astreiner Fichte ist nicht nur hochfunktional, sondern auch optisch ein Hingucker.
    Deckenverkleidung made of LIGNO® für das Hallenbad wasser:werk in Waldshut.

    LIGNO® Acoustic light 

    The standard version of the LIGNO® Acoustic light real wood acoustic element is used for acoustically effective wall claddings where neither force dissipation nor impact protection is required.

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    Useful items

    Accessories and supplementary products

  • Streifen aus Baufurnierplatte für Prallwandunterkonstruktion

    Substructure made of plywood strips 

    Strips of veneered board for impact wall substructure. The plywood strips are particularly suitable for elastic stress.

    Product affiliation impact wall cladding
    Filter category substructure


    • Plywood strip 2500 x 50 x 18 mm 
    • Bearing blocks 50 x 50 x 18 mm 

    The technical values of the test certificate only be adhered to in combination with the Lignotrend impact wall substructure.

  • Klammernagler zur verborgenen Befestigung von Akustikverkleidungen

    Compressed air staple gun 

    Staple gun for the concealed fastening of acoustic claddings.

    Product affiliation acoustic cladding
    Filter category installation

    Staple gun for the almost invisible attachment of spreader staples. 
    Due to the narrow foot, the base of the groove is easily reached.



    • Staple gun type 3428 for acoustic panels of type 3S-33 and 3G-33 
    • Suitable for groove widths from 4 mm 
  • Holzlasur zur Absorption von UV-Strahlung und Stabilisierung von Lignin

    UV-protection stain “Lignovit UV 100” 

    Water-thinnable, breathable wood stain without active ingredients for indoor use. Contains effective light protection agents for the absorption of UV radiation and stabilisation of the wood component lignin.

    Product affiliation all products
    Filter category treatment

    Light protection agent for absorption of UV radiation



    • Water-based, thin-layer glaze for indoor use based on an acrylate emulsion 
    • Absorption of UV radiation and stabilisation of the wood component lignin 
    • Transparent and matt adjustment ensures a natural appearance for softwoods 
    • High breathability – healthy indoor climate 
    • Free of chemical wood preservatives 


    • Brush, roller, spray, Vacumat 
    • Yield: approx. 10 - 12 m²/l 
    • Do not use below +10 °C 
    • High air humidity and/or low temperatures delay drying 
  • Find out more


    Worth looking at

    Architecture made of LIGNO®

      Sports hall and indoor swimming pool at the cantonal school

      The sports hall and indoor swimming pool at the cantonal school in Olten was renovated with...

      4600 CH-Olten

        Das Gebäude wird äußerlich geprägt durch den flächendeckenden Einsatz von Sichtbeton, sowie die großzügigen Verglasungen. Prallwandverkleidung aus Holz für die Sporthalle der Kantonsschule HardwaldIn der Mitte der hellgrauen Kletterwand wurde auf einer unregelmäßig profilierten Holzfläche ein Basketballkorb installiert. LIGNO® Akustik Sport mit dem Leistenprofil in vertikaler Ausrichtung in der Sporthalle Hardwald.Auch in den Umkleidekabinen wurden 
LIGNO® Akustik Sport eingesetzt, welche einen lebhaften Kontrast zu den glatten blauen Wänden des Duschbereichs bilden. Die Gemeinschaftsduschen wurden in einem hellen Blau gestrichen, was einen Struktur- und Farbkontrast zu den fein profilierten Akustikpaneelen von Lignotrend des Umkleidebereichs bildet. Die Toröffnungen zu den Geräteräumen der Halle wurden mit LIGNO® Akustik Sport verkleidet, was zugleich zeitlos und modern wirkt. Die Echtholzpaneele in astreiner Weißtanne bilden eine warme Komponente zu dem im Hallenbad großflächig verwendeten Sichtbeton.Das Hallenbad wird geprägt durch einen spannenden Material-und Formmix aus fein profilierten LIGNO® Echtholz-Akustikpaneelen, runden Leuchten, weiß verputzen Flächen, rustikalen Balken und schwarz abgegrenzten Fenster-Rechtecken.Schallharte Materialien wie Wasser, Glas und Beton werden im Hallenbad Olten durch die Verwendung der schallabsorbierenden 
Akustikpaneele von Lignotrend in Weißtanne ausgeglichen. Die Fläche zwischen den dunkelgrauen, raumdominierenden Deckenbalken wurde mit 
LIGNO® Akustik light verkleidet, was auch bei viel Bad-Umtrieb eine angenehme Raumlautstärke garantiert. Die fein profilierten Akustiklamellen in Weißtanne von Lignotrend bringen ein Stück Natur ins Innere des Hallenbads.  Der Gebäudekomplex von Sporthalle und Hallenbad wird dominiert durch die primäre Verwendung von Beton als Baumaterial, sowie großzügige Verglasungen, schwarz umrahmt.

      Three-field sports hall in Eisingen

      Bridge large spans, improve acoustics, minimise injuries and still look beautiful....

      75239 Eisingen 


      HFGS Aarau

      For the complete renovation of the HFGS in Aarau, real wood panels LIGNO® Acoustic Sport in oak were used in a particularly creative way...

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