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Children´s House Hessental in Schwäbisch Hall 

"Two houses" under one roof. Nursery for 125 children with four-group nursery and three-group crèche

Die neue Kindertageseinrichtung fügt sich als einfacher, einstöckiger Baukörper in die lockere Siedlungsstruktur der Umgebung in Hessental ein.
Im Foyer sorgt eine großzügige Deckenverkleidung aus heller Weißtanne für eine angenehme Raumatmophäre und verleiht dem Eingangsbereich gleichzeitig einen eleganten Touch.
Die hohen Decken über der Garderobe sind mit fein profilierten Akustikpaneelen ausgestattet, welche ein Stück Natur ins Innere bringen und gleichzeitig für eine hohe Ruhequalität sorgen.
Das einfache Außendesigns des Neubaus im Hessental spiegelt die einfache Formsprache, die auch im Inneren der Tagesstätte dominiert wider.

The new day care centre fits into the loose settlement structure of the surrounding area in Hessental as a simple, single-storey building. A newly defined open space is created, oriented to the west and south, towards which two "houses" are aligned. These two "houses" house the crèche in the west and the kindergarten in the southeast. Both parts of the building are connected via a communal area, which communicates from the entrance via the foyer and a terrace from the inside to the outside. The shape of the building reflects the two "houses" with a communal area and creates a well-zoned and well-lit floor plan. The inviting entrance foyer with multi-purpose room and the adjoining dining rooms is located at the interface with the crèche and the kindergarten. The multi-purpose room can be connected to the foyer and thus forms a larger forum for events. Each of the "houses" is given its own central play zone. These areas are directly connected to the outdoor area via a "dirt lock". 

Configuration overview

Components used

  • LIGNO® Acoustic light  |   Ceiling cladding 

    Product code: LIGNO® Acoustic light 3S_33_a70g_625-12n25-4_WTE_gs_b0
    Wood type

    Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.

    Wood type

    _WTE Silver fir, economy 


    The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation. 

    Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.


    _625-12n25-4 Slat profile "nature" 


    The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches.  Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.


    _gs Sanded


    Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.


    _b0 Untreated  

    Room acoustics

    If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.

    Room acoustics

    _a70g 70% Absorber

  • LIGNO® Acoustic light  |   Ceiling cladding 

    Product code: LIGNO® Acoustic light 3G_33_a70g_625-12n25-4_WTL-i_gs_b0
    Wood type

    Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.

    Wood type

    _WTL-i Silver fir knotless, patterned 


    The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation. 

    Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.


    _625-12n25-4 Slat profile "nature" 


    The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches.  Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.


    _gs Sanded


    Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.


    _b0 Untreated  

    Room acoustics

    If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.

    Room acoustics

    _a70g 70% Absorber

    Fire behaviour

    Few configurations can be configured with a flame-retardant surface. This may result in a modified element structure, greater thickness or the need for measures in the area of the substructure.

    Fire behaviour

    _C-s2-d0 Fire retardant surface



Project participants



    Am Karlsplatz 1
    79098 Freiburg

  • Holzbau Bauer GmbH


    Ebbachweg 9 / 1
    74423 Obersontheim

  • Yohan Zerdoun Photography


    Lehener Strasse 73

    79106 Freiburg


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