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Residential and office building as a passive house

Multi-storey in wood - sound insulation under control. 

Dieses Passivhaus punktet mit einwandfreier Akustik durch den Einsatz von LIGNO® Holzelementen und Schallschutzfenstern, die das Innere vor dem Lärmpegel der viel befahrenen Karlstraße schützen.
Die profilierte LIGNO® Decke aus Weißtanne sorgt nicht nur für gute Akustik und angenehme Raumatmosphäre, sondern trägt zusätzlich als edler Blickfang zum Raumdesign bei.
Das helle Wohnzimmer in Naturfarben strahlt eine Gelassenheit und Gemütlichkeit aus, zu der auch die helle Echtholzdecke mit intergriertem Absorber von Lignotrend beiträgt.
Die offene Küche mit Kochinsel in hellgrau öffnet sich nach draußen. Zu dieser Naturnähe trägt auch die Deckensichtseite aus Weißtanne bei.
Die verbauten LIGNO® Deckenbauteile tragen mit ihrer profilierten Sichtseite aus heller Weißtanne zu der freundlichen Wohnatmosphäre bei und bringen ein Stück Natur in den Wohnbereich.
Besonders wenn mehrere Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig arbeiten, ist eine gute Akustik für hohe Konzentration unabdingbar - Dafür sorgen hier Absorber-integrierte Decken von Lignotrend.
Dieses Passivhaus in Reutlingen verspricht nicht nur eine einwandfreie Ruhequalität im Inneren, sondern erspart den Bewohnern durch seine hochwärmegedämmte Gebäudehülle auch Energiekosten.

While the traffic rages directly in front of the house, it remains quiet inside. In the living rooms, load-bearing wooden element ceilings from Lignotrend ensure perfect acoustics and effectively reduce the noise level. 

Configuration overview

Components used

  • LIGNO® Rippe Q3  |  Ceiling component

    Product code: LIGNO® Rippe Q3_230-290_r0_s0_z26_p0_a50g_625-12-4_WTL_gb_b0
    Installation top

    Whether the element is open or closed at the top is determined by the area of application. If, for example, the element is to be filled with fill on site as a storey ceiling or roof terrace (LIGNO® Rippe Q3-x), its cavities are open at the top (feature _r0). To guide pipes at the top of the element, a cross grid (_r25, _r50) can be added to some superstructures. For roof superstructures, there is usually a flat closed finish _rg0 (LIGNO® Block Q-x, LIGNO® Block Q3-x or corresponding versions of LIGNO Acoustic classic).

    Installation top

    _rg0 Closed, without cross grid


    The height of the load-bearing webs of the element is variable and determined according to static requirements from load and span. Within the framework of this configurator, the selection is limited to four height ranges. A more precise definition is made later during pre-dimensioning or verification with the LTB-x calculation programme. Bulk volume and/or necessary space for installations can also be decisive for the height.


    _230-290 Medium span

    Fire resistance

    If fire protection is required, an additional layer is added below the web area (for elements with strip profiles _z26, _z53, _z80, for elements with board profiles Akustik klassik _k50g). Their height determines the fire resistance duration of the cross-section from 30 to 90 minutes. The fire resistance must be statically verified. If there are no requirements, the standard versions _z0 or _k50l are to be selected.

    Fire resistance

    _z26 REI 30 Fire resistance


    Panel designs with slat profiles and additional layer can be configured with an additional cavity (_p26, _p53) below the additional layer for installation guides, fixtures or to improve sound absorption. Cables laid there then do not penetrate the fire-protection layer. If required, the cavity is filled with insulating material (_p26mw, _p26ha) to improve acoustic absorption. If no cavity is necessary, the characteristic _p0 is selected.


    _p0 No cavity

    Room acoustics

    If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.

    Room acoustics

    _a50g 50 % Absorber


    The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.  

    Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.


    _625-12-4 Slat profile

    Wood type

    Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.

    Wood type

    _WTL Silver fir knotless, patterned


    The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches.  Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.


    _gb Brushed


    Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.


    _b0 Untreated

  • LIGNO® Block Q  |  Roof component

    Product code: LIGNO® Block Q_70-150_rg0_s0_z26_p0_a50g_625-621-4_WTL_gb_b0
    Installation top

    Whether the element is open or closed at the top is determined by the area of application. If, for example, the element is to be filled with fill on site as a storey ceiling or roof terrace (LIGNO® Rippe Q3-x), its cavities are open at the top (feature _r0). To guide pipes at the top of the element, a cross grid (_r25, _r50) can be added to some superstructures. For roof superstructures, there is usually a flat closed finish _rg0 (LIGNO® Block Q-x, LIGNO® Block Q3-x or corresponding versions of LIGNO Acoustic classic).

    Installation top

    _rg0 geschlossen, ohne Querrost


    The height of the load-bearing webs of the element is variable and determined according to static requirements from load and span. Within the framework of this configurator, the selection is limited to four height ranges. A more precise definition is made later during pre-dimensioning or verification with the LTB-x calculation programme. Bulk volume and/or necessary space for installations can also be decisive for the height.


    _70-150 niedrige Spannweite

    Fire resistance

    If fire protection is required, an additional layer is added below the web area (for elements with strip profiles _z26, _z53, _z80, for elements with board profiles Akustik klassik _k50g). Their height determines the fire resistance duration of the cross-section from 30 to 90 minutes. The fire resistance must be statically verified. If there are no requirements, the standard versions _z0 or _k50l are to be selected.

    Fire resistance

    _z26 REI 30 Feuerhemmend


    Panel designs with slat profiles and additional layer can be configured with an additional cavity (_p26, _p53) below the additional layer for installation guides, fixtures or to improve sound absorption. Cables laid there then do not penetrate the fire-protection layer. If required, the cavity is filled with insulating material (_p26mw, _p26ha) to improve acoustic absorption. If no cavity is necessary, the characteristic _p0 is selected.


    _p0 Kein Hohlraum

    Room acoustics


    If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.

    Room acoustics

    _a50g Absorber integriert


    The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.  

    Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.


    _625-621-4 Geschlossene Oberfläche

    Wood type

    Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.

    Wood type

    _WTL Weisstanne astrein, lebhaft


    The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches.  Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.


    _gb gebürstet


    Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.


    _b0 unbehandelt



Project participants

  • Schwille Architektenpartnerschaft mbB


    Aispachstraße 2a

    72764 Reutlingen


  • Holzbau Ruess GmbH


    Rollwasserweg 17
    75323 Bad Wildbad

  • Fotografie Uwe Röder


    Murgtalstraße 44
    76476 Bischweier


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