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Zoku hotel paris

Vibrant wood design and good acoustics for business nomad homebase

In die drei obersten Etagen des „Stream-Buildings“ im Pariser Stadtteil Clichy ist das ZOKU mit einer innovativen Kombination aus klassischen Hotelapartments und hippem Home-Office eingezogen.
Das Restaurant „Living Kitchen“ ist wie eine gemütliche Wohnküche eingerichtet. Paneele LIGNO® Akustik unterstützen mit ihrer Echtholzoberfläche aus heller Weißtanne das frische Design und sorgen auch bei Vollbesetzung für eine gute Raumakustik und entspannte Mahlzeiten.
Am Abend herrscht im Restaurant eine stimmungsvolle Raumatmosphäre. Den Architekten war die positive Klangkulisse wichtig und verkleideten Wandflächen mit LIGNO® Akustik. Auch bei Vollbesetzung kann hier nun in Ruhe gegessen und kommuniziert werden.
Herzstück des Hotels sind die gemeinsam genutzten Aufenthaltsbereiche. Rückzugszonen wie der „Living-Room“ gehören dazu. An der Wand Echtholz-Akustikpaneele mit unregelmäßigem „nature“-Profil – hier ist man der Natur im Haus besonders nah.
Im ZOKU gibt es weder eine Rezeption noch ein Backoffice für Mitarbeiter. Stattdessen beherbergt der offene Grundriss viele Self-Service-Bereiche. Ein „Kiosk“ hilft beim kleinen Hunger: Das „Portal“ aus Blackboard-Türen lädt in der Wand aus Holzleisten ein.
Zwei Tagungsräume und ein Event-Room gehören im ZOKU zum Raumprogramm. Hier ist die Akustik-Wandverkleidung wichtig für Hörsamkeit und Sprachverständlichkeit.

Light silver fir wood sets the tone in the new "ZOKU" hotel in Paris: The Amsterdam-based creative office Concrete relied on the design and room acoustic effect of the real wood panels LIGNO® Acoustic Light for the wall cladding in the interior design. In 2018, ZOKU was one of the first hotels in the world to receive B-Corp certification for its overall social, ecological and economic performance. The business magazine Forbes also voted the hotel one of the 25 coolest in the world. 


With its innovative hybrid concept of living and working, the Dutch hotel chain ZOKU has created an entirely new category in the hotel industry. After Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Vienna, globetrotters and expats can now also set up camp in the French capital - for a few days or several months. The term "home office" takes on a whole new meaning at ZOKU: to turn the hotel from a place to stay into a "home", the planners from the Amsterdam creative office Concrete opted for a mix of cheerful, natural living design and professional functionality in the interior design. LIGNO® acoustic wall cladding made of light-colored silver fir wood plays a central role in this. With their fresh design and good room acoustics, they literally set the tone in all of the hotel's common areas: In the co-working lobby, they create a pleasant communication atmosphere with little reverberation and the necessary confidentiality during discussions. In the seminar and conference rooms, they increase speech intelligibility and in the bar and restaurant, they make relaxed meals possible even when fully occupied with residents from all over the world. 


More home than hotel feeling


ZOKU has moved into the top three floors of the Parisian "stream building" (Philippe Chiambaretta Architectes) with an innovative combination of classic hotel apartments and hip home offices. At the heart of the hotel are the shared, high-quality workspaces and lounge areas. ZOKU has neither a reception desk nor the typical back office for employees only - instead, the open floor plan accommodates many service stations for self-organization and different zones where guests can either retreat and work or meet each other. This also includes the "Living Room Bar" or the "Living Kitchen", which is much closer to a cozy eat-in kitchen than a classic restaurant. These areas are also open to locals so that city dwellers and long-term guests can find each other more easily.


On the top floor, around 300 m2 will be used as a productive urban garden for growing vegetables and as a chill-out zone. From here, the hotel is accessed via a cozy lobby that resembles an "arena for modern work": co-working takes place at long tables, separate boxes are available for undisturbed telephone calls, there are niches for concentrated work and zones with comfortable armchairs for informal meetings. Two meeting rooms and an event room can also be used individually. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer a breathtaking panoramic view of the city. 


Room acoustics made of LIGNO® for open floor plan concepts


In all common areas, walls and seating niches are clad with LIGNO® acoustic panels. In new buildings as well as in conversions and renovations, they dampen reverberation even in high, large rooms and/or acoustically compensate for reverberant materials such as concrete, glass, ceramics and stone. The panels are made of natural wood through and through, and the integrated acoustic absorbers are made of wood fiber. Their naturalness fits in with the healthy living, future-oriented concept of ZOKU.


Architect Maarten de Geus from Concrete says: "Good acoustics are important in every room, depending on its use. A workspace for concentrated work functions differently to a lively bar. If the acoustics don't match the use of the space, problems arise". And the planner goes on to explain: "Minor acoustic problems can sometimes be alleviated by using soft, sound-absorbing materials such as curtains, carpets and upholstery. At ZOKU Paris, however, very different scenarios take place in shared areas. More effective measures were required to prevent disruption. With Lignotrend acoustic panels for the wall cladding, we were able to meet these individual requirements very well."


Creating modern feel-good spaces with knot-free silver fir wood


For business nomads, the world becomes a workplace and work becomes a lifestyle: wherever they arrive, they expect homely, inviting places to work and live. Wood is an excellent design material for this. Maarten de Geus confirms this: "By using natural wood, the room design appears warm, light and natural. We opted for Black Forest silver fir for the Lignotrend elements because the light wood not only supports our color concept, but is also the perfect background for the lighting design. The elegant wall cladding gives the room warmth and comfort and goes very well with the materials of the colorful upholstered furniture, the tiles and the neutral white ceilings." The surfaces are finished in flame-retardant quality.


By choosing the manufacturer's "nature" skirting board profile, the planners were able to support the dynamic effect of their interior design even better: The arrangement of irregularly wide slats makes the joint pattern look particularly lively here.


LIGNO® acoustic panels: design variety and more...


To ensure a recognizable and consistent experience across all locations, the design approach for all ZOKU hotels follows the principles of brand design. Nevertheless, the interior designers have the opportunity to incorporate unique looks tailored to each city or location. The LIGNO® acoustic panels offer many creative design options, as they are available in different types of wood and with various profile variants and surface treatments. This makes it possible to create naturally healthy, aesthetically pleasing and at the same time melodious rooms with an individual design.


"The world doesn't need more things, it needs smarter solutions," is the ZOKU idea. An approach that Lignotrend also follows in the development of its functional and extremely material-efficient real wood products. In addition to distinctive design and good room acoustics, the panels also bring a good indoor climate and healthy indoor air into the hotel. Their ecological and building biology quality is confirmed by certifications from natureplus® and the Institute for Building Biology IBR. This means that with Lignotrend, modern hotel construction can not only be innovative in terms of design, but also holistically environmentally friendly and responsible.

Configuration overview

Components used

  • LIGNO® Akustik light  | Acoustic cladding 

    Product code: LIGNO® Akustik light 3G_33_WTL-i_C-s2-d0_625-12n25-4_2940_bl-t_gs_nnu
    Wood type

    Various wood species are available for the visible layer. For quality reasons, individual wood species cannot be configured for all profiles; for technical reasons, surface treatments are excluded for some wood species.

    Wood type

    _WTL-i Silver fir knotless, patterned, impregnated


    The visible layer is profiled with joints. The code for profiling indicates in millimetres: Element width, strip width (rounded, from/to if applicable) and joint width (rounded) as well as a letter identification for variants, e.g. with chamfered strip edges or with additional height gradation.

    Note: Some profiles indirectly cause exclusions for other configuration options.


    _625-12n25-4 Slat profile "nature"


    The face is subjected to a brushing _gb as standard, which produces a stronger or weaker structure depending on the type of wood and makes the surface less sensitive to scratches. Alternatively, a smooth sanding _gs can be carried out, or on request a bandsaw cut _grimitated.


    _gs Sanded


    Depending on the type of wood, the optional application of a surface treatment is possible ex works. Individual colour finishes are always sampled for coordination. For elements in individual lengths, colour treatment is limited to max. 5 m length.


    _bl-t Lacquer transparent

    Room acoustics

    If the soffit of the element is to have a good sound-absorbing effect, the penultimate layer is configured as absorber _a50g. Otherwise, this layer is configured as a solid wood layer _a0.

    Room acoustics

    _a70g 70 % Absorber

    Fire resistance

    If fire protection is required, an additional layer is added below the web area (for elements with strip profiles _z26, _z53, _z80, for elements with board profiles Akustik klassik _k50g). Their height determines the fire resistance duration of the cross-section from 30 to 90 minutes. The fire resistance must be statically verified. If there are no requirements, the standard versions _z0 or _k50l are to be selected.

    Fire resistance

    _C-s2-d0 Fire retardant surface



Project participants

  • Philippe Chiambaretta Architectes 


    56-58 rue Vieille du Temple

    FR - 75003 Paris


  • Concrete Amsterdam 

    Interior Designer

    oudezijds achterburgwal 78a 

    NL - 1012 dr amsterdam


  • SAS E.T.M.B.


    Allée du 7ème Art
    FR - 95240 Cormeilles-en-Parisis

  • Ewout Huibers


    Panamakade 220

    NL - 1019 TT Amsterdam


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